
Dr. Cohen is able to treat adults & children with anxiety, depression, trauma, ADHD & more. She currently specializes in working with the following clients:

Divorcing women

Dr. Cohen has worked in the family law system for 15 years, completing custody evalautions, as a treating psychologist to wives, husbands, and children, as well as a reunification therapist. She has spoken at several conferences and been deemed an expert in family law and domestic violence by the court systems. In all this work, her favorite client is the wife/mother. She gets you- she knows how hard it is to trust someone else with your children, who has demolished your trust. She gets that you are grieving and focused on protecting your children, but the court sees the importance of the child(ren) having both parents very involved. She loves working with you to understand the nuances of the court system, heal your grief (often trauma) and learn how to interact with your coparent in an empowered and cooperative manner (even if your co-parent is not). She understands that often times this work is not just the therapy sessions in office, but it also is helping with communications so that you can learn the strategies to take back your power and keep it.


Dr. Cohen has a special heart for entrepreneurs because she is one too with 4 companies of her own! She loves helping you navigate the emotional and mental rollercoaster that comes with conceptualizing your idea and turning it into reality. The truth is this road is filled with bumps, turns, paralyzing moments and also lots of joy! She is here to process all of this with you and help you build your confidence as you find success (or maybe your idea doesn’t work out). She appreciates your creative energy, sometimes scattered thought processes and determination for success. The truth is most entrepreneurs are a bit perfectionistic and she wants to help you hone those skills to help you become the best version of yourself while also taking care of yourself so you don’t burn out.

Currently, we are offering psychotherapy either in person or virtually, depending on a patient’s needs.

Therapy Treatment Modalities

  • CBT is a well-researched and effective treatment modality for many patients. The focus of CBT is learning what the underlying feelings are that maintain someone’s thoughts, which lead to behaviors. We all act on our feelings every day — those are our behaviors. When our behaviors are unhealthy and create difficulties in our lives (e.g., losing a job, getting in trouble at school, difficulty in relationships), we need to understand the underlying thoughts and feelings that trigger those behaviors so that we can learn how to behave in a healthier and more effective way. This is where CBT is helpful in relieving symptoms.

  • EMDR is a treatment that is used to help patients heal from emotional distress and trauma by helping a patient process the traumatic memories to provide relief and reformulate negative thoughts and decrease the physical symptoms that have manifested (e.g., panic attacks).

    Patients tend to respond quickly to EMDR and find relief early in the therapeutic process, where other treatments often take years to help people. Treatment ranges from 3-12 sessions, depending on the severity of the trauma. Dr. Cohen is a certified EMDR provider.

  • Experiential Therapy is often effective for patients who have trauma, compulsive behaviors, and/or significant grief. Much of the research shows that patients feel significantly better after 3-4 sessions. This modality encourages a patient to role-play and engage in other activities to help people cope with the past that has led to significant emotional pain, enabling them to find relief and freedom from the past.

  • Understanding the system that launched you- good & bad as well as the system you are currenly in (whether you are single, dating, married or divorced), to learn the strategies to help you manage your environment is key.


You don’t have to do hard things by yourself.